Term 1
A Child's War
A siren sounds, a building crumbles, a Spitfire zooms overhead. Take cover. It’s 1939 and Britain is at war. Deep down in the Anderson shelter, learn why nations are fighting and why child evacuees must make the long journey from their homes and families into unknown territory. Read the diary of Anne Frank, written whilst hiding from the terrifying storm troopers in a secret annexe, and try to empathise with her hopes and fears. Make do and mend. Cook up a family meal from meagre rations. Delve deep into a bygone era, when loose lips sunk ships. And, as peace is declared, let’s get ready to celebrate. Mr Churchill says ‘It’s an unconditional surrender.’
As part of our Topic we will visit Dover Castle's secret underground hospital.
Below is our project knowledge organiser. This gives you more information on what the children will learn this term.
In Term 1 our whole class guided reading book will be 'A Boy in the Girls Bathroom'.
Fictional writing sessions will be inspired by the books 'Rose Blanche' and 'The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe' with a focus on character and dialogue and our non-fiction text-type for this term will be discussion and the children will be writing about whether Britain should go to war.
In Term 1, we will be focusing on place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division.
P.E this term will be on a Monday and a Wednesday.
Invasion Skills
- Competitive
- Attacking and Defending
- Communication
- Invasion in a team
- Tactics
- Invasion to score