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Breakfast and After School Clubs

Breakfast Club


Breakfast finishes serving at 8:15am 


Choice of fresh juice, squash or milk

Toast, bagels, crumpets with jam, marmite or honey

Choice of cereals


Fresh fruit

£3 a day

Breakfast Club is booked online through Schoolmoney and you will be sent a password and log in details. 
This will need to be booked and paid for in advance and the spaces are limited. An application form will
need to be completed before your child has attended - please contact the office to be sent an application form.

Wraparound Provision

We offer after-school care up until 5:45pm. We aim to provide a nurturing environment where children can choose from a range of activities.

We will be outside each day for at least 30 minutes where possible, allowing the children access to the full range of playground equipment and activities. We think being outside in nature and being active are critical in addressing the nature deficit facing our children. So tending the allotments, playing on the school field and using the forest school area is a priority for us.

After School Clubs

After-school, clubs have limited spaces. Sign-up forms are sent out online via the office.