Term 3
Land Ahoy!
Yo ho, yo ho, it’s a sailor’s life for me. Get your sea legs on, it’s time to sail the salty seas. Navigate, investigate and explore the world, just like Captain Cook. Make a boat, sink a ship, fly a pirate flag. Speak like a pirate, write like a poet, then weigh and measure a pirate’s booty. How do rescues happen at sea? Find out about brave volunteers and young Miss Darling, rowing her boat across stormy seas. Sing a sea shanty whilst cleaning the poop deck, then search the school grounds for Captain Longbeard’s hidden treasure. There’s land ahead. Let’s get this ship to port.
This term we will be finishing off our work on Geometry - Shape by recognising the properties of 3D shapes and comparing them. We will then be moving onto Money, where we will be recognising British coins, their value and making different amounts. Finally, we will be looking at Multiplication and Division where the children will be learning how to multiple and divide by 2, 5, 10 and 3.
This term we will be reading the book 'The Way Back Home' by Oliver Jeffers and exploring how this is a journey story. We will be looking at the characters, how their emotions change over the course of the story, as well as learning how to write dialogue. We will then create our own journey story using all we have learnt so far. For our non-fiction unit we will be exploring newspaper reports and how they are written in a more formal, factual style. We will then write our own report based on the boy crashing on the moon.