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Term 1


Term 1 Overview

Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside. Do you? That’s good, because you’re about to become an expert beachcomber. Head to your nearest beach to look for interesting and unusual objects, using your senses to spot, sniff and seek them out. Have you seen the rock pools yet? We can take a peek into the cool water to learn about the weird and wonderful animals and plants in their microhabitats. Maybe we can kick back in a deckchair and do a little reading. What’s your favourite book about the seashore? Let's invent an amazing rock pool resident. What features will it need to survive happily in its watery habitat? Make a 3-D model of your plant or creature. Got your shorts and sunglasses on? Bucket and spade at the ready? Let’s get beachcombing.




In Term 1 we will be focussing on Place Value and Addition and Subtraction.


This term we will be reading Traditional Tales with a focus on Cinderella. We will share other traditional tales and then write our own retelling of the classic story.
